Title and Logo
Title: ENSYGLOGE is an open access International E-Journal for arts and science for promoting studies and reflections in the fields of Arts, Literature, and Science. We accept studies on Science Fiction also. Its motto is “Essence Seeking Understanding”. The name of the journal is the acronym “Enabling New Scholars and the Young Generation to Learn, Observe, and Generate ignited minds through Education.” Its primary focus is to equip the students and researchers to bring out quality academic papers in literature and thereby develop a research aptitude.
Cross: Stands for God
Tree Rooted Up: Divine tree of Knowledge signifies Divine Revelation
Human: An enlightened human being always responds to divine revelation
Lotus: Stands for Virtuous life
Inner Circle: One's own knowledge and reflection
Outer Circle: Universal Knowledge
Meaning: A researcher is one who realizes his/her essence with the grace of God. He lives virtuously in the world like a Lotus.